Homily for Third Sunday

Dave is a thief who follows the big brown delivery truck.  After the delivery is completed, Dave would watch the house to make sure that the package was not taken inside. When he felt the coast was clear, he would run up to the house and take the delivered package away. If the stolen package contained a small appliance, he would sell it on the black market. By doing this, he was able to get enough money to cover his drug habit.

At the end of the day, he opened the stolen packages to see all that he now claimed as his own. However, this very last package contained a beautiful gold necklace with a heart pendant on which was inscribed: To my loving Bernice. With it was a handwritten letter from her husband, Andy. It read: My dear faithful Bernice. You are the love of my life. I long to see you wearing this when we next have a night on the town! Hope to see you soon. Accompanying this gift was another letter from his best friend, Frank. In it, Andy directed Frank: If something happens to me, please make sure that Bernice gets the necklace. As our thief, Dave, read these notes, God laid His hand on him and convicted him of sin. The next morning Dave went to the house from which he stole this package. Nervously, he rang the bell hoping that Bernice would open the door. After the door opened, Dave asked, “Are you Bernice?” She answered, “Yes, I am.” Dave said, “I stole this from you yesterday, I am a thief. I am sorry. This belongs to you.”

Bernice invited Dave in and asked him to sit with her for a little bit. After she saw the gold necklace with the pendant and read the letters, she said to Dave “Thank you for your honesty. I miss Andy who was killed on active duty. I am so grateful. This means a lot to me.” Bernice and Dave talked for a long time that day. Dave told her that he was so sorry and needed help to end his drug habit. Bernice told Dave that she believed that he was sincere and would help him without reporting him to the police. Long story short, Bernice and Dave became good friends. Dave was able with her help and support to mend his life.

Some people will change when they see the light. Others change only when they feel the heat. Dave felt the heat of Jesus’s love for him. So, he repented his sins, devoted his life to Christ, spending his time helping others to find Christ and peace.

The scripture lessons for the third Sunday in ordinary time present the call to repent. God asked Jonah to deliver a message to the people of Nineveh. The city was filled with sin, it deserved to be destroyed and Jonah hoped that the people would get what they deserved. Nevertheless, Jonah walked through the city announcing; “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed.” The people of the city believed God and they began a fast and put on sackcloth. They repented; they changed their way. When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, God repented. God changed and did not carry out the utter annihilation He threatened. God is a merciful and forgiving God!

Jesus, the Son of God, walked through the land of Galilee proclaiming the good news This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. Jesus believed that people could change, turning from sin to accept a new way of life. He gives us hope for a better life. By curing the sick, forgiving the sinner, driving out demons, Jesus feeds both our physical and spiritual hungers. Consider this story as an illustration. There was a small town that was completely isolated for some time. Progress was made and a road was cut through the wilderness to reach it. Now the small town had one road leading into it, and thus only one road leading out. If someone would travel the unpaved road for six to eight hours to get into the town, there was only one way he or she could leave – by turning around. Due to original sin, each of us at birth arrives in a town called Sin. There is only one way out – road built by God himself. However, to take the road out of Sin, one must first turn around. That complete about face is what religion calls “repentance” and without it there is no way out of the town of Sin.

In my opening story, Dave was motivated to turn his life around, to repent. Saint Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians tells us that time is running out for each one of us. We have only one lifespan and we have no idea exactly how much longer we have to live until death, judgment and then heaven or hell. In other words, use the time to make the real change needed. Rather than hang on to the world and the pleasures of this life, seek the kingdom of God by repenting of sin and believing the good news that complete devotion to Jesus leads to real peace and happiness.

God is calling us to turn away from sin and turn to grace, to realize that what we think is real happiness in this world is only temporary. When we surrender to Jesus, we will find the promised new life in a life of loving service to all those around us. This is what the Ninevites did when they changed. This is what the apostles did when they answered the call from the Lord to leave everything and follow Him. Now it is our time to answer the Call in Faith to repent and turn our life around in love for God and neighbor.

God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.