Homily for Epiphany

With the Christmas season ending with the celebrations of Epiphany and the Baptism of Christ, Chip and Dale left work early to go into town. Their plan was to purchase gifts to present to their neighbors who were struggling with various difficulties. The news on the tv night after night was not uplifting with the stories about immigrants crossing the open borders seeking a better life in the land of “milk and honey.” Young adult protestors continued to demonstrate against the War on Israel. Some of their elders were known to call the protestors “village idiots” citing their ignorance about the real reasons for the war. Gloom and doom covered the whole community with a blanket of hopelessness. Chip and Dale wanted to be light in midst of this darkness.

Three wise men likely from Persia who were not Jews constantly studied the stars. Since they were scholars, they noticed the intense bright star and wondered about its significance. They must have known about the Jews waiting for a messiah – the newborn king of the Jews – and concluded that there just might be a connection. Having decided to follow the star, they were led to Israel. With great excitement, they journeyed with promptness and persistence. Upon arrival, they consulted with King Herod who in turn consulted with the scribes and other Jewish teachers. As it turns out, the Wise Men knew when the Messiah was expected but not where; the Jewish scribes knew where but not when!

Eventually, the Wise Men found the newborn king of the Jews and offered their gifts of gold-for a king, frankincense-for the Christ, the Son of God, and myrrh-for the mortality of the newborn. They were smart enough, having been warned, not to return to King Herod who really wanted to secure his own position as king by killing the newborn. You know the rest of the story as it has been handed down by the Christian gospel writers and teachers.

The theological explanation is that the star over Bethlehem is for those who seek Jesus, who seek Truth. Listen, Jesus is calling you. Invite Jesus into your heart now. Do not wait, invite Jesus to walk with you through this darkness, let Jesus show you the way. The Wise Men were open and discovered what they were looking for.

Chip and Dale were open to the many inspirations of grace drawing them into the light of truth. Once they got to town, they searched for the gifts that would inspire others to find the comfort offered by the newborn Christ. They looked for gift cards (gold) to give to the poorest of the poor in their neighborhood. They looked for candles with pleasing and soothing aromas (incense) to give to the widows in the neighborhood who were lonely without family. They searched for ointments and salves (myrrh) for the old men who suffered the pain of arthritis in legs, feet, and hands.

Christmas is never over. The bright star is the light that dispels the darkness of sin and reveals the warm light of love (God’s love). What are the gifts that you will share with neighbors, friends, and family every day?

God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.