Homily for 32nd Sunday

This is a story about Marty who had a strange dream; a dream so vivid and beautiful that he just had to have someone interpret it for him. Psychologists tell us that dreams are the way that the mind deals, during sleep, with things from our waking moments that were incomplete or left undone from the day or days before. Knowing that his pastor, Father Curt was a psychologist, Marty decided to talk to him.

What happened before Marty went to bed the night before his dream? First, it is important to know that Marty had many religious experiences and was very faithful in his prayer life. This particular night in question, Marty had read a passage from the Book of Wisdom before he prepared to go to bed. Just before he turned off the light, he spoke with Jesus telling Jesus that he was sorry if he had done anything during the day that offended Him. Then his eyes saw the picture of the Blessed Mother on the wall that Marty liked so well. This was the most beautiful picture of Mary that he ever saw. That’s why he hung it in his bedroom, and this was the last thing he saw before he turned off the light. And now his dream.

Marty dreamt that he saw a most beautiful woman one could imagine. This woman motioned to Marty to come closer. As much as he wanted to, he just could not. He walked all around this most beautiful lady, but he could not get any closer. Then he woke up not in a panic, but just so very happy and satisfied. Why did he have this dream that was so realistic that he could not get it out of his mind? He had other dreams that he could barely remember, this was different. So, in the morning, he called Father Curt who told him to come in the afternoon. After he told Father his dream, he waited for an explanation.

Father told him that his dream was like a puzzle and that he would try to put the pieces together that might make sense. First, Father explained that Jesus reaches out to us in many ways. We just need to be open and receptive. The passage from the Book of Wisdom, that he read, needed an explanation. The author of this book personified Wisdom, making Wisdom a woman. This woman is resplendent, that is most beautiful, and unfading to those who seek and find her. Hence, Marty could not get her out of his mind. The beautiful woman, Wisdom, makes herself known to those who look for her.

Father Curtis went on to explain that Wisdom is really Jesus calling and inviting us to come to him. Marty wanted to be with and possess this most beautiful woman – Wisdom. His heart was aching. Psalm 63 best describes Marty’s need: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. This is exactly what Marty was feeling.

But there is a warning. Complete possession of Wisdom, of Jesus, will be fulfilled in the kingdom of heaven. Meanwhile, focus must remain on our desire to be one with Jesus. The gospel parable of the ten virgins tells us that we must stay awake and prepare for Christ, the bridegroom’s coming. The wise virgins were prepared because they had enough oil for their lamps even though they slept; but the foolish virgins did not have enough oil and were unprepared. In other words, we have work to do while waiting for the coming of Jesus; but we must maintain focus and be prepared even as the focus shifts a little to daily responsibilities. However, if we are unprepared and have lost focus, we will not be ready when Jesus, the bridegroom comes. We will find ourselves outside with the door to the wedding feast locking us out of the feast, out of the kingdom.

“And that, Marty, is the meaning of your dream,” said Father Curtis. Marty replied, “Thanks for your help, Father. How lucky I am that Jesus reaches out to me, drawing me ever closer to himself. Now I must reach out to Him by staying awake and keeping my focus on Jesus through prayer and charity to others in my life.” “You are indeed blessed, Marty. Continue to do what you are doing in your spiritual life, and you will be ready for the Lord’s coming. And from the looks of things today – the wars in the Holy Land and in the Ukraine, and the violence and unrest in our cities – who knows? The Final days may be upon us sooner that we think. Stay awake!” said Fr. Curt. And Marty replied “God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.”