Homily for 28th Sunday – War against the Chosen People

Fall, cold and wet! It looked like it might be a good day to sit around and complain about the weather and nothing to do. Jack and Jill had the television on watching the cable news channel and its coverage of the War in Israel. The children, bored to death, complained that there was nothing very exciting on tv. The oldest, Tom, said “Is this all there is on television? Why do we have to watch it?”


Jill was not about to pass up this teachable moment and said to her son, “I know that you are bored and impatient. However, you might learn something important while watching the news.” Terry, her daughter, chimed in “they are fighting in Israel which is on the other side of the world. It has nothing to do with us!”


Their father, Jack, replied “This is not just about bombs being traded back and forth between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Many are losing their homes and their lives on both sides of the border. We are watching a fight about evil and good. It is not imaginary, it is real.”


Tom said, “This is all there is on tv, day and night!” Jill interjected “We could watch the regular channels with game shows, sports, and movies. But this is more important.” Terry said, “I’d rather watch some cartoons!”


Dad said, “Kids, I know you would rather watch something else, but this is history! Let me explain. In catechism class you are learning about the Chosen People and how God picked them out of all the other nations many thousands of years ago for a special purpose. They were chosen to give place to the Messiah sent to redeem all humankind from evil of sin. They waited a long time for the Messiah to come, but all too often they lost sight and fell back into their old ways of living in sin while ignoring what God wanted them to do. They often were punished with exile and life under tyrants who oppressed them, making their life miserable. This happened over and over again. When the Messiah did come, he was not recognized by the authorities. However, the very poor and the sick did see in Jesus something very special. Eventually, Jesus was recognized as the Messiah, but not right away. Jesus was misunderstood and even judged to be a danger to their life even though they were living under Roman occupation. You have been taught they Jesus talked about a new and better Kingdom – the Kingdom of God. The only way into this new and better kingdom was through him. Passage was through his suffering, death on the cross by crucifixion and his victory over death by his resurrection to a new life.”


Jill said, “The Chosen People were never really accepted throughout history and were often persecuted. For a while, they even lost their holy land and wondered about the world looking for peace and justice. Kids, you should have learned in history class that the German Nazis decided to exterminate all the Jews wherever they could be found. This all happened in the last century – not so long ago. It is happening all over again. This is what we are now watching on tv. There are groups of people determined to kill every Jew in the world, especially those in Israel, the holy land of God. I know that the news programs are showing this struggle day and night. And you are bored. However, this is history in the making. You need to learn about it now. This is the cosmic struggle between good and evil. 9/11 was a wake-up call. There have been wars since then and there are wars being waged today.”


Jack finally said, “Will there be peace? Will people learn to respect their differences and learn to live together? Is there any hope that hate will be rubbed out of our lives for good?”


The prophet Isaiah foretold: “Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the Lord for whom we looked: let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!” The prophet was so sure of this. He could see the day when all people would be invited to sit at a banquet table with the Lord God. A day of great joy and happiness. Recall his vision.


On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain he will destroy the veil (of pride) that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever. The LORD God will wipe away the tears from every face; the reproach of his people he will remove from the whole earth; for the LORD as spoken.



Jesus also talked about the kingdom of heaven and the great banquet to which the Good are invited. He told the story to the chief priests and elders of the people about the king who gave a wedding feast for his son. In this story, the king is God, and his son is Jesus. The king had invited guests to the feast, and he sent his servants to tell the invited guests that the banquet was ready, and they should now come. Unfortunately, those who were invited made excuses and would not come to the king’s feast even after he invited them a second time. So, the king told his servants to gather all they could find and bring them to the banquet. Wedding garments would be provided for the new guests so they would not have to get special clothes for the occasion. Come as you are, garments will be provided! The hall was filled, except for one who would not put on the special wedding garment the king provided. When the king saw the man without the wedding garment, he asked why he did not put on the wedding garment. The man did not answer. So, the king had the man thrown out of the wedding hall.


You and I are invited to the great banquet, and we don’t have to wait until after death to get into the feast. Jesus took care of that. He provides all that is needed. You just need to come, but you do have to obey the rules. These rules are the moral preparedness essential for entry into the banquet. No one can presuppose automatic entrance simply for showing up. It is unfortunate that today many have rejected God’s invitation to share eternal life; and prefer to live a life of pleasure rather than a life of justice serving the needs of the poor and oppressed.


The Eucharist is the great banquet to which you have been invited. Jesus has provided all that is needed. Will you come to the feast? In Christ’s feast, you have divine mercy and forgiveness through his death and resurrection. Pray that you do not make excuses for not coming to the Table of God where you will find not only peace but also joy and happiness.

God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.