Homily for Fourth Sunday

The brothers, Chip and Dale, were eating breakfast before setting out to work in the house they were flipping. These men were known for their compassion for neighbors who struggled with serious, debilitating life-problems. Chip said to Dale, “Did you hear that Sandy next door was diagnosed with inoperable brain tumor?” Dale responded, “How is she taking it? You go to the worksite and get the other men started on work. I will check in on Sandy and see what I can do. I’ll get to work later.” Chip said, “Sounds good. I’ll say a prayer for her while I go to the worksite. Tell her that I am worried, too.”

Dale was met at Sandy’s door by her daughter who was crying and shaking like a leaf. Dale said, “Apparently, the news is not very good. Is this a good time to see your mom?” Her daughter shook her head and said, “Thanks for coming, Dale. She would like to see you. She’s not dying right now; she’s just very anxious and unsure what is going to happen, what to expect.”


“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” The chosen people in the days of the Exodus while at Horeb told Moses “Let us not again hear the voice of the Lord, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest we die.” How strange! Today, many people want to see and hear the voice of God, hoping for some direction and relief from all the upheaval in present-day society. Nevertheless, the Lord God thought the chosen people had made a wise choice. So, he said to Moses:

I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kin, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it. But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.


Ever since then, there have been many false prophets who think they know the mind of God and presume to speak to the community. Now let us be clear about this. The Christian Church teaches that Jesus is the Prophet of God promised at Horeb. It is Jesus who tells us what His Father wants us to know and do. He has the authority to do so. When Jesus entered the synagogue at Capernaum on the sabbath, he taught with the authority of the Prophet. The people who were there were astonished at his teaching. Consequently, since the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ present in our day, Jesus continues to speak and minister to us with authority. Yes, the Church has the authority of the prophet of God today and we are to listen attentively.

Not only did Jesus teach with authority, but Jesus also healed the sick with His authority. At that same visit to the Capernaum synagogue, there was a man possessed with an unclean spirit. The unclean spirit recognized Jesus and asked, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked the demon and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” Again, the people were amazed at this new teaching with authority.

Now because you and I are members of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, Jesus continues to speak and minister in our present age. You have the power! Dale sat with Sandy. Taking her hand, he spoke quietly, reassuring her that Jesus is with her even as she feels so alone and trapped with this very much unwanted tumor in her brain. He told her that he would stay with her as she struggled with the entrapment of the tumor, but she would not have to suffer isolation. She would not be alone because family and friends would be with her to comfort her. Sandy smiled and said “Thank you, Dale. I love you!” And Dale said, “Sandy, I love you, too!” Having been reassured that she was not alone, Sandy closed her eyes and slept not in death, but in peace.

How do you use the power and the authority of Jesus? Are you willing to step out in faith and visit your neighbor or family member who feels trapped and isolated in some very difficult situation? You may not be able to resolve a seemingly impossible situation. However, you can give reassurance, dissipating the isolation with your kindness and love. Have you told someone today, “I love you.”? Has anyone said to you, “I love you”? There is much to do!

God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.