Memorial Day Reflection 2024

Today our nation remembers and honors all the men and women who since the early days of our founding have made the supreme sacrifice to win for us freedom. Unfortunately, our freedom for which they died is in danger of being lost. Evil threatens good and too many of us are turning away from the reality that has endangered freedom.

If all the men and women who fought for freedom were to stand before us, they would encourage us to fight rather than cower in fear. They would rally us to fight as they did rather than give up and give in to the evil in our modern culture that is taking our freedom from us. Our democracy is being destroyed and redefined by Marxist-Communist elites who think they know better than us. You and I are called clowns, deplorables. We are considered stupid. We are to give up and give these Marxists power.

At this moment as we are now assembled before God, we remember that Jesus, the Word of God, the Son of God tells us to be awake and not to lose hope. Christ reminds us that He came to give us freedom from evil and from the demonic forces that seeks our downfall.  Remember the very words of Jesus. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. So, we pray that as disciples of Christ, we must also lay down our lives for each other and for future generations as did all the men and women who militarily fought and shed their blood so that we might to free.

We thank God for his continued support and merciful love that give us courage. As we eat and drink at this table of mercy, let us not be silent in the face of evil. Let us stand up against the evil that divides and enslaves us. Let us speak and pray for that divine grace to do what is right. May our loving God help us to build the Kingdom of God that was established in the death and rising of his Son, our Lord Jesus. Let us not only pray but also make many acts of reparation, showing our willingness to repent and seek forgiveness for our lack of courage to fight the evil that surrounds us.

God be blessed! Now and forever. Amen.